
American cherry

Botanical name: Prunus serotina

General description:
The american cherry has a darker colour than the European cherry and it weighs less. The heartwood goes from dark red to reddish-brown. There are small resin pockets.

Specific weight: dried 560 kg / m³

Mechanical properties:
Elasticity: 10.274 MPa.
Hardness: 4226 N

Histological Structure:
Grain: straight
Texture: from fine to very fine.

Treatability: untreatable.

Sawing: easy.
Drying: easy if dried slowly.
Planing: easy.
Gluing: difficulty with fast and hot glues.
Nailing and screwing: easy.
Finishing: no big difficulties.

Main uses:
Interior furniture, interior doors, parquet, decorative veneers.


Available Dimensions

Thickness Square edged, unedged Lengths Quality
22-33-52-60-80 unedged 2100+ AB
22-33-50 unedged 2100+ BC,C